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/ Best of www.BestZips.com (Collector's Edition) / Best of WWW.BESTZIPS.COM Collector's Edition (JCSM Shareware) (JCS Marketing).ISO / gamebord / wchss252.zip / BCHSTALL.BA_ / BCHSTALL.BA
Text File  |  1996-09-21  |  673b  |  32 lines

  1. @Echo off
  2. If Not [%1]==[] Goto Finish
  3. Echo %0 DOS>0.Bat
  4. Echo %0 Windows>1.Bat
  5. Set|Find "windir=" /C > {Test}.Bat
  6. {Test}
  7. :Finish
  8. For %%V In (0 1 {Test}) Do Del %%V.Bat
  9. Set OS=%1
  10. If Not [%1]==[Windows] Goto Done
  11. Echo %0 Windows31>0.Bat
  12. Echo %0 Windows95>1.Bat
  13. Set|Find "winbootdir=" /C > {Test}.Bat
  14. {Test}
  15. :Done
  16. Goto %OS%
  17. :Windows95
  18. If Exist %winbootdir%\System\Ctl3dv2.Dll Goto End
  19. Copy Ctl3dV2.Dll %winbootdir%\System
  20. Goto End
  21. :Windows31
  22. Echo Set WINDIR=%%1> WinDir.BAT
  23. Set|Find "windir" > W!nD!r.BAT
  24. Call W!ND!R
  25. Del W?ND?R.BAT
  26. If Exist %WINDIR%\System\Ctl3dv2.Dll Goto End
  27. Copy Ctl3dV2.Dll %WINDIR%\System
  28. Goto End
  29. :DOS
  30. :End
  31. Del Ctl3dV2.Dll